In fact, the Railway Minister has converted the Indian Railways into her personal property. Instead of national flag, TMC flags were hoisted at the top of the main building of Bandel, Kadambgachi and other railway stations in West Bengal on 15th August, 2009. She also hoisted the national flag in the midnight of 14th August going against all decorums and norms. Besides, the official functions of the Railways are transformed into party functions. Leaders, dignitaries and people having allegiance to her only are allowed at the functions. Here also, only TMC flags are put up everywhere. Moreover, on the dais Naxalite leaders are seen beside the TMC supreme in every function. Instead of maintaining austerity, huge public money is spent extravagantly on every function in these hard days of the Indian Railways. TMC workers travel by trains without ticket. The railway stations in WB have been turned into party offices of TMC. There is none in the Railways to protest against all these.